Write a function that takes a string as input and reverse only the vowels of a string.
Example 1:
Given s = "hello"
, return "holle"
Example 2:
Given s = "leetcode"
, return "leotcede"
Result: Accepted Time: 4 ms
Here should be some explanations.
static bool is_vowels[256]={0};
static bool is_init = false;
char vowels[]="euioaEUIOA";
char* reverseVowels(char* s) {
is_init = true;
for(int i = 0; vowels[i]!='\0';i++)
is_vowels[vowels[i]] = true;
int low = 0;
int up = strlen(s);
char tmp;
while(low < up)
while(low < up && !is_vowels[s[low]])
low ++;
while(low < up && !is_vowels[s[up]])
up --;
if(low < up)
tmp = s[low];
s[low++] = s[up];
s[up--] = tmp;
return s;
Complexity Analytics
- Time Complexity:
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