Given a string S, find the longest palindromic substring in S. You may assume that the maximum length of S is 1000, and there exists one unique longest palindromic substring.
Result: Accepted Time: 4ms
Manacher Algorithm should be the best way to solve this. However I choose a easy way.
char* longestPalindrome(char* s) {
const int slen = strlen(s);
int len = 0,mid = 0,tmp,i,j,k;
for(int t = 0,m = slen >> 1; t <= slen + 1; t++)
k = m + ((t&1)?-(t>>1):(t>>1));
for(i = k, j = k + 1, tmp = 0; j < slen &&s[i]==s[j]; i--,j++)
tmp +=2;
if(tmp > len)
len = tmp,mid = k;
for(i = k - 1, j = k + 1, tmp = 1; j < slen &&s[i]==s[j]; i--,j++)
tmp +=2;
if(tmp > len)
len = tmp,mid = k;
if(len / 2 > slen - k) break;
char * ret = malloc(sizeof(char)*(len + 2));
for(int i = 0,j = mid - ((len-1)>>1); i < len; ret[i++] = s[j++]);
ret[len] = 0;
return ret;
Complexity Analytics
- Time Complexity:
- Space Complexity: